A Matter of Interpretation

Whether composed by an individual, a committee, or two drunk guys in a bar finally acquiescing to put pen to paper, composing one of the longest standing breed standards, the words that we see on paper are an attempt made at a particular moment in time, by a distinct group of individuals, under the unique influences of their time, to find the precise words to describe the essence of their breed.  Whenever two or more are gathered together in that pursuit, there will be differences of opinion, long discussions will be had, nuance will be examined, and eventually compromise made.  Does everyone come away happy…no.  But, a foundation for interpretation is laid.

The same can be said about the creation of the visualization of a standard.  Months are spent by a committee of some of the most knowledgeable, accomplished, and devoted breeders, discussing the words and images that will best convey the ideal example of their breed.  Invariably, the interpretation of the standard and the expression of that interpretation by each in their own breeding programs may differ widely, but the core essence, the purpose and function of the breed, must be agreed upon and conveyed by all.  Wording and phrasing may go through multiple edits before agreement can be found.  Alongside the wording of the visualization, the committee also works with an artist who must interpret the committee’s words and the images they provide to create drawings to illustrate the ideal specimen of the breed.  With the varied interpretations of the standard coming from each committee member, this, too, is a painstaking process that requires many edits and in the end is everyone happy?…no…but compromise is reached and once again a foundation for interpretation is laid.

Whether we are talking about the standard or the visualization, once the words are set in stone, the book is closed, the words become subject to the interpretation of others.  The long hours of debate and negotiation to find the right words and images are a thing of the past.  Some will take the words literally; others balance the literal words with mentoring and practical experience. Whether you are a breeder, an exhibitor, or a judge, the words of the standard and the words and images of the visualization are a guide and a resource toward your better understanding of the breed.  The future of the breed lies in how you interpret them.

Beagle Breed Standard

Visualization of the Standard